Researchers found that all local housing authorities in England use temporary accommodation at least occasionally for homeless households experiencing domestic violence. At the end of March 1999, nine out of ten local authorities were using it for this purpose. The researchers said that local authorities should see refuges as part of the provision available to them rather than viewing them as entirely separate. The government announced a new national 24-hour free helpline to help women and children fleeing domestic violence, and published a policy briefing on the links between homelessness and domestic violence.
Source: Debra Levison and Doreen Kenny, The Provision of Accommodation and Support for Households Experiencing Domestic Violence in England, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (01709 891318) | Press release 11.12.02, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (020 7944 3000) | Homelessness and Domestic Violence, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (020 7944 3000)
Links: Summary | Press release | Policy briefing (pdf)
Date: 2002-Dec
The Lord Chief Justice issued new guidelines to Crown Court judges to treat date rape and rape within marriage as no less serious than rape by a stranger.
Source: The Guardian, 10.12.02
Links: Guardian report
Date: 2002-Dec
A report said that one in three refugee women have been physically or verbally abused since they arrived in the United Kingdom, and do not feel safe enough to go out alone during the day.
Source: Hildegard Dumper, 'Is it Safe Here?' Refugee Women s Experiences in the UK, Refugee Action (020 7654 7700)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf)
Date: 2002-Dec
Research found that almost a third of domestic violence cases begin or are intensified while a victim is pregnant, and that women trying to end a relationship are among those most at risk of assault.
Source: Press release 23.12.02, Metropolitan Police (020 7230 1212)
Links: Press release | Guardian report
Date: 2002-Dec
A committee of MPs said that rape suspects and those accused of other sex offences should be given the same right of anonymity as their victims.
Source: Criminal Justice Bill, Second Report (Session 2002-03), HC 83, House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report
Date: 2002-Dec
The cost of the domestic homicide of adult women was estimated at 112 million each year.
Source: Sylvia Walby, Economic Costs of Domestic Violence: Interim Report - Key Findings, Women and Equality Unit/Cabinet Office (020 7273 8880)
Links: Report
Date: 2002-Dec
A study of 300 family court cases reportedly found that 61 per cent of the fathers involved had allegations of domestic violence made against them.
Source: Research for the National Association of Probation Officers, reported in The Observer, 15.12.02
Links: Observer report | NAPO homepage
Date: 2002-Dec
A research review found the problem of bullying among girls is going undetected because of the mechanisms they use to cope with it. The government was urged to set up a working group to tackle the problem.
Source: If Looks Could Kill: Young women and bullying, Young Women s Christian Association (01865 304215)
Links: Press release
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/3, Digest 123, paragraph 3.5
Date: 2002-Nov
A report examined how employers deal with harassment cases, and offered guidance on best practice.
Source: Picking up the Pieces: How organisations manage the aftermath of harassment complaints, Wainwright Trust (01920 821698)
Links: Community Care article
Date: 2002-Nov
A new guide aimed to help unions and employers develop sympathetic but effective ways of assisting the victims of domestic violence.
Source: Domestic Violence: A guide for the workplace, Trades Union Congress (020 7467 1294)
Links: Press release
Date: 2002-Nov
A report focused on the experiences of women for whom domestic abuse has been the trigger for a cycle of repeat homelessness, and made recommendations for how housing and support services can contribute to reducing repeat homelessness.
Source: Repeat Homelessness and Domestic Abuse, Shelter Scotland (0131 473 7170)
Links: Summary
Date: 2002-Nov
Teenage girls are victims of soaring levels of serious violence, researchers reportedly found.
Source: Research by Violence Research Group (University of Wales) reported in The Independent, 7.11.02
Links: Article
Date: 2002-Nov
Under a new law applying in Scotland from 1 November 2002, men accused of rape and sexual assault can no longer question their alleged victims in court.
Source: Sexual Offences (Procedure and Evidence) (Scotland) Act 2002, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Text of Act | Guardian report
Date: 2002-Nov
A report said that explaining domestic violence in terms of culture can lead to assumptions being made about women's roles and may ignore sexist and racist barriers that prevent access to services.
Source: Khatidja Chantler, and Sophie Smailes, Domestic Violence and Minoritisation - Supporting women to independence, Women's Studies Research Centre/Manchester Metropolitan University (0161 247 2535)
Links: Community Care article
Date: 2002-Nov
The government announced that it will be made easier for newly wed recent immigrants who leave a relationship because of domestic violence to stay in the United Kingdom.
Source: Press release 26.11.02, Home Office (0870 000 1585)
Links: Press release
Date: 2002-Nov
The Scottish Executive published a draft strategy for reducing the level of domestic abuse.
Source: Draft National Prevention Strategy: Domestic Abuse 2002, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Strategy
Date: 2002-Oct
Campaigners welcomed the proposals on domestic violence in the criminal justice White Paper, but said this must be part of a comprehensive, integrated national and local community strategy against domestic violence involving a range of justice, social and welfare agencies.
Source: Response to the 2002 Criminal Justice White Paper: 'Justice for All', Women's Aid Federation of England (0117 944 4411)
Links: No link
Date: 2002-Oct
The government announced that all registered sex offenders will be made to attend a police station in person every twelve months to confirm their personal details, regardless of whether their details have altered.
Source: Press release 2.10.02, Home Office (0870 000 1585)
Links: Press release
Date: 2002-Oct
Research by a housing charity showed divorce and relationship breakdown are contributing significantly to an 'underclass' of hidden homeless people.
Source: Press release 20.8.02, Crisis (020 7015 1800)
Links: Press release
Date: 2002-Aug
Campaigners welcomed proposals in the criminal justice White Paper to give greater protection to women who suffer abuse or harassment from former partners.
Source: The Times, 18.7.02
Links: White Paper (pdf) | Summary
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/1, Digest 121, paragraph 6.5
Date: 2002-Jul
Research revealed that only 18 per cent of incidents of sexual victimisation, and 20 per cent of rapes, come to the attention of the police.
Source: Andy Myhill and Jonathan Allen, Rape and Sexual Assault of Women: The Extent and Nature of the Problem: Findings from the British Crime Survey, Research Study 237, Home Office (020 7273 2084)
Links: Study (pdf)
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/4, Digest 124, paragraph 6.6
Date: 2002-Jul
An official action plan was published, aimed at improving the investigation and prosecution of rape cases and the treatment of victims and witnesses.
Source: Action Plan to Implement the Recommendations of the HMCPSI/HMIC Joint Investigation into the Investigation and Prosecution of Cases Involving Allegations of Rape, Home Office (020 7273 2084), Crown Prosecution Service and Courts Service
Links: Action Plan (pdf) | Home Office press release
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/4, Digest 124, paragraph 6.6
Date: 2002-Jul
Following research, the sentencing advisory body recommended that 'acquaintance' or 'relationship' rape should be treated no less seriously than 'stranger' rape.
Sources: Press release 24 May 2002, Sentencing Advisory Panel (020 7271 8336) | Alan Clarke, Jo Moran-Ellis and Judith Sleney, Attitudes to Date Rape and Relationship Rape: Qualitative study, Sentencing Advisory Panel (020 7271 8336)
Links: SAP press release | Report (pdf)
Date: 2002-May